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Slender Weaver's Bamboo | Explore our FAQs
What is the first thing I should do when my Slender Weaver's Bamboo arrives?
Your Slender Weaver's Bamboo (Bambusa textilis 'Gracilis') will arrive in a pot with all the nutrients in the potting mix it needs to thrive. Keep your bamboo in a sheltered position and water daily until you are ready to plant in your garden.
Can I place my Slender Weaver's Bamboo in a pot? If so what size pot would you recommend?
Your Slender Weaver's Bamboo (Bambusa textilis 'Gracilis') can be grown successfully in containers. As a large, robust plant, they require rich, moisture-retentive potting mix, ample root space and fertiliser, and regular watering. Your bamboo will grow to fit the size of the pot. To reach its full potential height, each Gracilis needs a space of 1m x 1m. If planting in a narrower container of 0.5m in diameter, the bamboo will fill the pot but won't grow as tall. Pots or containers can be useful for spaces where you don't have the option of planting in the ground. They will require more care and maintenance if grown in pots as compared with being planted in a garden bed.
What climate does Slender Weaver's Bamboo thrive in?
Slender Weaver's Bamboo (Bambusa textilis 'Gracilis') is native to southern China, usually found near rivers, on hills and in villages at low altitude. As such, it grows beautifully in Tasmania's cool temperate climate. Gracilis is hardy to minus 10 degrees Celsius and is also tolerant of hot summer conditions. Like all plants, Gracilis looks best in the hot summer months if watered regularly and fed with a high-nitrogen fertiliser. It can grow in full sun to part shade conditions.
What is the minimum garden bed width in which I can plant my Slender Weaver's Bamboo?
Slender Weaver's Bamboo (Bambusa textilis 'Gracilis') is a non-invasive clumping bamboo and each plant will grow to a diameter of approximately 1m. Garden beds of 1m in width are therefore appropriate for bamboo, planted 1m apart. However, this variety can also be successfully grown in a narrower garden bed of 0.5m, in which case they will require a closer planting distance of 0.5m to achieve a dense screen.
How tall should I expect my your Slender Weaver's Bamboo to grow?
In ideal conditions, your Slender Weaver's Bamboo (Bambusa textilis 'Gracilis') can reach up to 6m in height. If a shorter screen is required, bamboo is very easy to maintain at a lower height. Simply bend over the cane to the height you require and trim the cane off. Once trimmed, bamboo doesn't increase in height. Each year, new shoots will be sent up during the growth season in Spring and these canes can be quickly and neatly trimmed to the height you require.
What type of maintenance does my Slender Weaver's Bamboo need to keep it looking healthy? How often do I need to water it?
A mature stand of Slender Weaver's Bamboo (Bambusa textilis 'Gracilis') should be watered once a fortnight or, in very dry conditions, have one deep soak a week. When establishing a new Gracilis screen, water regularly so that the soil is always moist, which will facilitate rapid growth. Bamboo is a member of the Poaceae (grass) family so to keep your hedge looking great, water and fertilise with a nitrogen-rich feed just as you would for your lawn to keep it lush and green.
How far apart should I space my Slender Weaver's Bamboo so that it forms a dense screen?
In a garden bed of 1m wide or more, plant Slender Weaver's Bamboo (Bambusa textilis 'Gracilis') 1m apart to form a dense screen. For garden beds less than 1m wide, space Gracilis to match the width of the garden bed. For example, in a garden bed with a width of 0.7m, plant the Gracilis 0.7m apart. A garden bed of less than 0.5m is not recommended for growing a healthy stand of Gracilis.
Is Slender Weaver's Bamboo invasive? Will it spread?
There are two types of bamboo – running and clumping bamboo. Running bamboo spreads to an indefinite size and should not be planted in a domestic garden setting. Clumping bamboo is an entirely different type of plant and grows as a clump to a set diameter and does not spread further. Slender Weaver's Bamboo (Bambusa textilis 'Gracilis') grows to a diameter clump of 1m wide. If a smaller footprint is required, then root barriers or containers can be used to restrain the size.
How long will it take for my Slender Weaver's Bamboo to reach maturity?
This is a hard question to answer because it depends on the maturity of the plant purchased. From a small 200mm pot, it will take approximately 3 years to form a dense screen to full height of up to 6-8m. When bamboo is purchased in larger, multi-cane 330mm pot sizes, effective screening should be achieved in approximately 18 months. If instant screening is required, we supply large 500mm pots with full grown multi-cane Gracilis.
Do you just deliver to Northern Tasmania?
Northern Tasmania
Currently we delivery weekly to Launceston and surrounding suburbs. Deliveries to the North Coast and Midlands occur on a monthly basis.
Southern Tasmania
We deliver as far south as the Midlands. For locations further south, please get in touch and we can direct you towards suppliers of bamboo in Southern Tasmania.
Mainland Australia
If you're interested in our bamboo and aren't located in Tasmania please get in touch with us directly.